Discovering The Universe

- Index Catalog

 Index Catalog of Nebula and Clusters of Stars   

Young John Dreyer
Young John Dreyer **2

In the early 1880’s John Dreyer published a compiled version of the various galaxies, nebula and star cluster catalogs originally created by William, Caroline and John Herschel called the General Catalog.    By 1888 Dreyer had prepared 2 additional supplements to the GC which led to the publication of the New General Catalogue in the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society.    

John Dreyer
John Dreyer **3

In 1908 following the discovery of an additional 5,386 galaxies, nebula and clusters, mostly by photography, Dreyer created a supplement to the NGC called the Index Catalog (IC). A list of corrections was published in 1912.    

     John Louis Emil Dreyer – A Short Biography

** - Photo Credits:
        1 - Public Domain
        2 - Public Domain